Social Media Terms & Conditions

Brighton Bank Community Guidelines

Our virtual communities are a place to form relationships, enhance knowledge and participate in meaningful conversations. We strongly recommend that everyone:

  • Let's be considerate of one another and always stay relevant to the discussion.
  • Be Alert & Safe: steer clear of potential fraudulent content and never share personal, identifiable or confidential information.
  • In order to ensure truthfulness, never post something that's not factual - and if you choose to share someone else’s work make sure you secure prior permission.

We urge you to demonstrate respect for the community and kindly adhere to the following:

Connect with Customer Service

You can message Brighton Bank Customer Service through Brighton Bank Facebook, @Brighton Bank on Instagram or @Brighton BankSupport Twitter. (check to see what options are available for customer service)(901) 476-5353

Protect Your Personal Information

Welcome to our public community! Keep in mind that any posts you make will be visible to all. Therefore, it's highly recommended against sharing sensitive information that you would prefer not being made public, such as your Social Security number, account numbers, passwords and/or PINs. Please ensure the safety of yourself and others by refraining from posting non-public personal data on any of our social media platforms.

In Addition, kindly refrain from sharing any private information about someone that hasn't been openly posted by them or which you don't have permission to share; doing so would be an infringement on their right to privacy.

It is important to take note that your posts are subject to the site's security and data protection protocols. Even if you delete a post afterwards, it could have already been viewed by other users prior.

Stay Safe

To protect yourself online, keep out of the way of any posts with unsanctioned advertising, deceptive tactics, spam messages or copyrighted material. Avoid clicking on third-party links unless you trust where it is  leading as they may be malicious and direct you to content that would not normally appear appropriate.

Be Kind

As a member of this community, we ask that you show courtesy towards others – even if their views differ from your own. To ensure everyone's safety and well-being, please refrain from posting any content or comments which could be considered inappropriate, offensive, profane, culturally insensitive or disruptive in nature. Furthermore, do not publish anything with the intention to harass or defame another person.

Important Notices

Please be advised that all your posts are subject to our website's privacy and data security regulations. Although our communities are open to the public, we'd like to remind you that Brighton Bank does not endorse or accept responsibility for any opinions, statements, and viewpoints expressed by participants - including employees or partners of the bank. These ideas may be contrary to our official positions. Brighton Bank isn't responsible for views expressed other than our own.

We Retain the Authority to Delete

We have the right to remove any content or material that is in violation of our guidelines or, at our sole discretion, we deem inappropriate.  Under some circumstances, we may suspend or block individuals who don't comply with our community regulations. Moreover, if their conduct violates channel rules or the law, then it is our duty to inform the appropriate legal entities.

Endorsements and Sponsorships

While we may occasionally share content or link to third-party sites, please note that this does not constitute an endorsement of the individual, website, or company.

Furthermore, Brighton Bank has nurtured a number of advertising ties. Certain third-party websites integrated with the bank may showcase sponsored content from sponsors supported by Brighton Bank. The paid sponsors have agreed to disclose this business relationship on their respective sites or social media accounts in some shape or form.

Important Reminder

Whenever you engage with Brighton Bank on any external web platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, or YouTube—your activities, there are subject to the terms and conditions of those sites. Keep in mind that these outlets aren't affiliated with us and might have their own unique practices and policies regarding privacy protection and data security.

Brighton Bank cannot be held accountable for the terms and conditions, privacy regulations, or data security policies of any third-party sites. Exercise caution when sharing information online and on these websites - always stay vigilant when taking action over the Internet in general!

Revitalizing Our Community Guidelines for the BetterThese guidelines are subject to revision by Brighton Bank and may be modified at any time.